Working in Partnership
5th of January, 2024
Working in Partnership
One of LALCs first tasks when it went through its management change at the start of 2022 was to improve its working relationships with Partners.
At the top of the list were Lancashire County Council and the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) Lancashire Branch.
In February 2022 LALC & Lancs SLCC signed and implemented a working protocol which is proving to be productive for our sector. A recent catch up meeting of SLCC Exec members and LALC Exec Chairman and Chief Officer reflected on the work achieved so far…
LALC listened and responded to the need for more Qualified Clerks in the sector, a need for Civility & Respect training and how Councils can be aided to become better employers.
LALCs other partnership, with Lancashire County Council, was a negotiated SLA that has enabled the work to bring three training streams online covering the main concerns of the Local Council sector.
Future initiatives, which have come out of talks with partners, will follow and LALC will keep you informed.