2021/2022 Local Government Pay Claim – update
17th of January, 2022
The pay talks for the implementation on 1 April 2021 have been ongoing for some time.
The National Employers offer currently stands at a 1.75% increase, backdated to 1st April 2021. The three unions asked for the re-opening of the negotiations to seek an improvement - The employers decided to reaffirm the offer as their full and final position.
Some trade unions had balloted their members seeking support for industrial action over this pay offer.
UNISON’s ballot closed but only got a turn out of 14.5% so did not reach its 50% threshold required (in The Trade Union Act 2016). GMB will be meeting shortly to discuss its ballot results of December. Unite is issuing ballot notices and its ballot will close on 17th February.
The National Employers will be meeting on 31 January to determine their position.