
The Good Councillors Guide' to Employment

9th of October, 2023

The new 2023 edition is now published and available on the NALC website for members.   Log on to the NALC website and the guide is available in Development Tools to download

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Professional Local Councils Project

6th of October, 2023

The Project... Lancashire County Council (LCC) together with Lancashire Association of Local Councils (LALC) have been working on a project entitled 'Professional Local Councils' ...

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2023/2024 Pay Claim

6th of October, 2023

The GMB ballot closes on October 24th so it is hoped the settlement will be agreed after that in time to arrange for it to be in the November pay.

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Parish Conference

5th of October, 2023

Parish and Town Council Conference Date: Saturday 4th November 2023 Location: The Exchange, County Hall, Fishe...

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Consultation on extending permitted development rights

31st of August, 2023

Rural Insight Forum   This week's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Rural Insight Forum discussed the current

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