
Pay Claim 2021 / 2022 settled

28th of February, 2022

Local Government Pay Claim for 2021 / 2022. The increase of 1.75% has been agreed by the GMB and UNISON. Employers are being encouraged to pay this award to employees as soon as possible.

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Secondary Consultation on - review of Parliamentary Constituencies

19th of February, 2022

Boundary Commission for England - review of Parliamentary Constituencies secondary consultation. In June last year we shared details of the Boundary Commission for England’s (BCE) 2023 Review of Parliamentary Const...

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NALC makes online event recordings FREE

16th of February, 2022

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has made online event recordings freely available on its website. NALC online events from July 2020 have been available for free to watch again. However, the recordings will only be av...

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Civility & Respect Newsletter February 2022

12th of February, 2022

‘’Good progress is being made with the Civility and Respect project. The cross -organisational workstream teams have been formed and are working hard to analyse some of the causes of bullying and harassment in our sector an...

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New Chairman and Vice Chairman

5th of February, 2022

At the recent Executive meeting of LALC on Saturday 5th February, the members thanked outgoing Chair Cllr Darren Cranshaw, from the Chorley area, for his magnificent work in steering LALC forward in recent difficult times.  Cllr Phi...

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